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Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz Delivers Rousing Speech at the 2024 Republican National Convention

Milwaukee, WI — July 17, 2024 — Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz (TX-15) delivered a rousing speech this evening at the 2024 Republican National Convention, held in Milwaukee. Her remarks were nationally televised and received with roaring applause, highlighting her journey from humble beginnings to serving in Congress, and outlining a vision for America’s future under President Donald J. Trump’s leadership.

Full Speech:

Hello, Milwaukee! On behalf of the great state of Texas, it’s an honor to be with you tonight. I’m the proud granddaughter of Mexican farm workers who came here with little more than faith in God. They never had much money, but they instilled in us strong Texas values. They taught me that through hard work, anything is possible in America. And then I proved it, by putting myself through school and building a successful small business. It wasn’t easy, but I’m living proof that the American Dream – El Sueño Americano – can become reality.

Only in America can a little girl from South Texas go from watching her abuelo pick watermelons to serving in the People’s House.

Now, as a mother, I often think about my kids’ future — and I’m worried. The American Dream is slipping away. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris make it impossible for hardworking Americans, like the people in my community, to get ahead. Their policies put home ownership out of reach. Wages can’t keep up with inflation. They give benefits to illegal immigrants and cut Medicare Advantage for our seniors. They say their immigration policies are compassionate, but there is nothing compassionate about open borders. They threaten our national security and flood our country with deadly drugs, killing our precious children. Biden and Harris don’t care about immigrants — they just use them for political gain.

We deserve so much better. We must make America strong again by re-electing President Trump. Under his leadership, we can put hardworking Americans first again and end this border crisis. We can restore peace and prosperity; create an amazing future with endless possibilities; and rebuild the most vital institution of all: the American family. Together, we can turn Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s national nightmare into a revival of the American Dream. Thank you, Milwaukee! Good night!

Congresswoman De La Cruz’s remarks resonated deeply with the audience, emphasizing the importance of strong families, economic opportunity, and secure borders. Her powerful message reinforced her commitment to the American Dream and the principles that make this country great.

